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What is the latitude and longitude of "I" in India? ...estimate

What is the latitude and longitude of "I" in India? ...estimate

Final answer:The latitude and longitude of "I" in India is approximately 28.6139° N, 77.2090° E, representing the location ofNew Delhi, the capital city ofIndia.Explanation:The latitude and longitude of "I" in India is approximately28.6139° N, 77.2090° E.This represents the location of New Delhi, the capital city of India. Latitude measures the distance north or south of the equator, while longitude measures the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian. The coordinates of New Delhi indicate that it is located to the north of the equator and to the east of the Prime Meridian. It is important to note that the coordinates provided are approximate estimates and may vary slightly depending on the source.Learn more about latitude and longitude

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