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What is the figure on the right handing out and to whom?

What is the figure on the right handing out and to whom?what is the figure on the left handing out and to whom?
do you think the cartoonist believes that Andrew Carnegie is a hero?

Answer:Answers are given below.Explanation:Andrew Carnegie claimed to be the rich person during the 19th century in the World by introducing the steel industry. Carnegie Steel Company transformed steel production in the United States.In the cartoon, Andrew Carnegie on the left side showing notice to the workers about the reduction of wages.On the right-hand side, he is offering money to Scotland and Pittsburgh with the library.The cartoonist in Forty-Millionaire Carnegie in his Great Double Role, believes Carnegie to have a double role as he reduces the wages of workers in his industries to increase profits so that he can contribute to society.As a philanthropist, he set up a trust fund that led to the building of thousands of libraries, educational institutes, and international peace....

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