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Routinized response behavior is the consumer's buyingbehaviorwhenpurchasingfrequently purchased, low-cost items that require little search effort.Routinized responsebehaviorrefers to the consumer's automatic or habitual response in purchasing frequently bought, low-cost items that do not require significantinformationsearch or deliberation. These are typically everyday items that consumers are familiar with and have prior experience purchasing. In such cases, the decision-making process is simplified, and consumers tend to rely on habitual orroutinebehaviors without engaging in extensive information search or evaluation of alternatives. The purchase decision is made quickly and efficiently based on prior knowledge, familiarity, andconvenience. Examples of routinized response behavior include buying basic groceries, toiletries, or other commonly used household products.This behavior is driven by factors such as convenience, habit, and limited involvement in the decision-making process. Consumers perceive low risk or importance associated with these purchases and thus do not invest significant time or effort in gathering information or considering alternatives. The focus is on efficiency and convenience rather thanextensivedecision-making.Learn more