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Answer:Ayer, mi hermana y yofuimosa la playa. Cuando llegamos,eraun día despejado con mucho sol, y nosotrasestábamosmuy contentas. A las docecomimosunos sándwiches de almuerzo. Los sándwicheserande jamón y queso. Luegodescansamosy entoncesnadamosen el mar. Mientrasnadábamos,vimosa las personas quepracticabanel esquí acuático.Parecíamuy divertido, así quedecidimosprobarlo. Mi hermanafueprimero, mientras yo lamiraba.Luegofuemi turno. Las dosnos divertimosmucho esa tarde.Explanation:Yesterday, my sister and I went to the beach. When we arrived, it was a clear day with lots of sun, and we were very happy. At twelve we ate some lunch sandwiches. The sandwiches were ham and cheese. Then we rest and then we swim in the sea. While we were swimming, we saw people practicing water skiing. It seemed very funny, so we decided to give it a try. My sister came first, while I watched her. Then it was my turn. We both had a lot of fun that afternoon....