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Office automation systems are designed primarily to support data workers.A. TrueB. False

Office automation systems are designed primarily to support data workers.
A. True
B. False

Final answer:Office automation systems are indeed designed to support data workers by streamlining workflows and reducing manual tasks with advances in technology.Explanation:It is true that office automation systems are designed primarily to support data workers. The rise of the Information Age has significantly altered the job market, with automation taking over tasks that were previously done manually by employees. Jobs in areas such as bookkeeping, clerical work, and certain repetitive tasks on production lines have become highly susceptible to automation due to advances in technology. This not only includes computerized databases that organize and manipulate data quickly and accurately but also extends to physical-world robotics and sensing that can perform tasks in various industries.With the advent of technologies enabling office automation, data workers can now leverage systems that streamline their workflows, assist with data organization, reduce the chances of human error, and enhance productivity. Importantly, such systems have also led to task-shifting, where the nature of certain jobs has evolved to encompass new skill sets that leverage automated tools more effectively....

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