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Design a synthesis of 2-bromo-1-butyl-4-nitrobenzene from benzene. Q1 Part 1 out of 10: Choose the best option for the immediate precursor to the target molecule.

Design a synthesis of 2-bromo-1-butyl-4-nitrobenzene from benzene. Q1 Part 1 out of 10: Choose the best option for the immediate precursor to the target molecule. a) Benzene
b) Butyl bromide
c) Nitrobenzene
d) Bromobenzene

Final answer:The best immediate precursor to 2-bromo-1-butyl-4-nitrobenzene from the options provided is nitrobenzene, as it allows for subsequent reactions to introduce the butyl chain and bromine atom. Hence the correct option would be option c.Explanation:The immediate precursor to the target molecule, 2-bromo-1-butyl-4-nitrobenzene, should be a compound that can be readily transformed into the target molecule through a substitution reaction that introduces the butyl chain with its terminal bromine atom. The ideal candidate for this would have the nitro group already in place, facilitating a subsequent substitution. Given the options, nitrobenzene (c) is the best immediate precursor since it already contains the nitro group, and the butyl chain with the bromine atom can be introduced through a bromoalkane chain in a Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction followed by a halogenation step to introduce the bromine....

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