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In the great debate in 1787, theFederalistssupported theConstitutionand theAnti-Federalistsdidnot supportthe Constitution.Who were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists?There were two sides with differentideasaboutconstitutionaladjustment at a convention in 1787.Federalistslived inurbanareas and anti-federalists inruralareas. Itsfoundingfathers were Thomas Jefferson, AlexanderHamilton, GeorgeWashington, etc.Regarding the declaration ofrights, thefederalistssupported it but didnotthink it wasrelevantto the constitution, while the anti-federalists thought that they should beprovidedfor in theconstitution.Each side had itseconomicideas, while theFederalistssupported thewealthierclass, such as the nationalbank, the Anti-Federalists supported small businesses andfarmers.Therefore, federalists believed thatpowershould be focused onfederalpower,anti-federalistsadvocatedstatepower.Find out more