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Paragraphs 1-2 establish the idea that humans are inherently drawn to storytelling, with evidence suggesting that storytelling plays a pivotal role in shaping human cognition,decision-making, and communication.Paragraphs 1-2 establish thecentral premisethat humans areinherentlywired for storytelling and that storytelling plays a crucial role inhuman cognition and decision-making.These paragraphs introduce the idea that storytelling is deeply ingrained in our nature and that our cognitive capacity relies on stories.In the first paragraph, the text quotes Stephen J. Gould, a renowned evolutionary biologist, who characterizes humans as "the primates who tell stories." This statement sets the stage for the exploration of the importance of storytelling in human behavior and intelligence.The second paragraph provides supporting evidence for this claim. It mentions that anecdotes can be as persuasive as hard data, and it highlights how jurors are influenced by the quality of the "stories" presented during trials. This evidence underscores the idea that storytelling is not just a form of entertainment but a fundamental aspect of human cognition and decision-making.In summary, paragraphs 1-2 introduce the concept that humans are storytelling primates and use evidence from various domains, such as psychology, law, science, and history, to demonstrate how storytelling is intertwined with our thinking processes and influences our choices and preferences.Learn more