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8. What is the oxidation number of N in KNO3?

8. What is the oxidation number of N in KNO3?

Final answer:The oxidation number of Nitrogen (N) in the compound Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) is +5. This also aligns with Nitrogen's oxidation number in nitric acid (HNO3), where its oxidation state is similarly +5.Explanation:In the compound KNO3, also known as potassium nitrate, we are interested in finding theoxidation numberof nitrogen (N). The oxidation number of K is +1, and the oxidation number of O is usually -2. In the formula KNO3, there is one nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. We use algebra to solve for nitrogen's oxidation number. The total charge of the compound must equal zero, so:+1 (from K) + oxidation number of N + 3(-2) (from three O's) = 0. Solving this equation, we find that the oxidation number of N inKNO3is +5.For additional perspective, let's consider nitric acid (HNO3), where N also has an oxidation number of +5. This is due to the fact that stronger acids typically have elements with higher oxidation numbers, as seen when comparing nitric acid to nitrous acid (HNO2), where N's oxidation state is +3.Learn more about Oxidation Number

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